Phra William

Meditation/Dhamma Classes From Thailand

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Meditation/Dhamma Class From Thailand
with Phra William

Phra William ("Phra" is a comparable title to "Reverend") is a Theravada Buddhist Monk who is now offering Meditation/Dhamma classes via Zoom for English-speaking practitioners. He is Australian-born and has been an ordained Buddhist Monk for more than 6 years. Phra William has been in residence at Wat Tham Kao Mai Ruak, a rural Buddhist monestary on the coast of Thailand, about 300km south of Bangkok. In March 2021 he moved to Wat Bang Phlat, a city temple in Bangkok where he has begun a formal course of Buddhist studies at the International Buddhist Studies College.

The classes with Phra William via Zoom are being hosted and organized by Burt Woolf who lives in the USA and since 2007 has studied at Wat Tham Kao Mai Ruak Monastery in Thailand during several visits and retreats with Phra William and under the tutelage of Ajahn Dengduan "Den" Nakaton ("Ajahn" = teacher) the Abbott of the Monastery and Phra William's mentor. When the COVID-19 pandemic made virtual meetings commonplace, Burt invited Phra William to offer westerners around the world the opportunity to experience Pali chants, meditation practice, and study of the Dhamma first hand from a Theravada Buddhist Monk.

The 60+-minute sessions via Zoom are conducted in 4 or 6-class series. The video below explains the format of the classes. Participants have come mostly from the USA with others attending from Australia and Mexico. We look forward to occasional appearances of other Thai monks who are fluent in English.

You do not need to be an experienced meditator to benefit from the class, but those with a meditation practice will especially enjoy the experience of live chanting and teaching by a monk from Buddhist settings in Thailand.

More information below the video.

(Click lower right screen icon for full screen view)

When: Classes are typcially held on Tuesday evenings (8:30 -9:30PM (or later) Eastern USA Time (GMT-4:00) and are conducted in 4 or 6-class series (see left sidebar for current series and recordings from past classes). Please contact Burt Woolf (see below) for the zoom link and to put you on our e-mail list.

Inviting Others. At this time, we want to let people know about the class only by word of mouth, so please feel free to extend a personal invitation to individuals you know who might enjoy attending this class, but we ask that you do NOT post a general announcement either to a group or on an internet/social media site. It would be better to share links to this web page only to specific people. Also, please have them send Burt an advance RSVP to his email address at the bottom of this page, so we will know the count to expect. Thank You.

Suggested Donation: A minimum voluntary donation is suggested to support Phra William's studies:

For classes in a series
$100. or more for all 6 sessions
$90. or more for any 5 sessions
$75. or more for any 4 sessions;
$20. or more per session for any one, two, or 3 individual sessions.

Forms of Payment.. You can send an on-line bank check payable to "Burton Woolf" (45 Hills Rd Amherst, MA 01002 USA), or send funds to Burt electronically via Venmo (@Burton-Woolf). After each class series, Burt forwards an aggregated payment to Phra William. NOTE: Your donation is NOT tax-deductible.

Please let Burt Woolf know
if you would like to attend these classes:
Mobile call or text: +1 413.244.4418